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Blogger Ajax Api - Updated My Site..

Just 2 weeks of work, I am very happy to see how it came out. My Blog is now available to browse completely on ajax. Tested in FireFox 3 on windows and linux. IE7 and Chrome.

Since I host my blog on Blogger, I am able to avail Google's Blogger Ajax Api. I would want to distribute to opensource community. However, Due to limitation of time, much of the code is tighly scripted to and its template. Albiet, The Source is javascript and can be viwed by checking the source. You are free to any part of code, with optional attribution (a link back would be appreciated :) ).

The Search box (based on Google Custom Search Engine) is also updated for some slick animation, if you are looking for a Google CSE with animation. You can check out the source.

Please check out the my Ajax blog. I would appreciate any bug reports, suggestions or comments.