At our new client, we still use Java 1.4 and I found that there is a problem installing Web tools in Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede). The P2 Installer shows WST is installed, but I cannot see Server profiles, J2EE perspective, anything related to it.
Here is what I installed, as shown in P2
But I cannot see J2EE related stuff in Perspectives, Preferences or New windows
To resolve this, I installed a private 1.6 JRE. Started Eclipse with
And it works!
Here is what I installed, as shown in P2
But I cannot see J2EE related stuff in Perspectives, Preferences or New windows
To resolve this, I installed a private 1.6 JRE. Started Eclipse with
eclipse -vm c:\java\jre1.6\bin\javaw
And it works!