GAE hosting is available for Everyone . (Is this the end of hosting providers?) This is very welcome for all those people who have an ambition to put a free website with no adgood features, reliabilty and scalabity. For Starters, - you have to know or learn python (it is the only language supported on GAE right now) or just get started - If you want your own domain name, You have to have one or you have to understand DNS , subdomains , CNAMEs , ANAMEs, MX records. Next, - Create an app in GAE (I will skip the whole tutorial on how to do it ) - Create a domain (buy it from a domain hosting service like godaddy - always keep hosting and domains in seperate places for better control) - Create a Google Apps Account (Again I will skip the whole tutorial ). - Verify your ownership of the domain and connect it to google App - Modify DNS MX Entries, set up your email. - Create Custom urls for services (calendar, docs, etc) with custom sub domains urls. - Add your GAE app in Google App Admin