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Politics can be funny. Really.

I'm a big fan of Stephen Colbert's show. I watch that every night - atleast on the site. I am left educated and entertained by the time I finish his videos available online. I'm not following the 2008 election very closely, but more than often I get enough of it by how Stephen covers the Clinton-Obama race. Not only him - but the whole press has the same thing going on. Many a time, I feel bad for McCain for not being given the 'hype'. But this Cliton-Obama piece got into my head so bad. I started even thinking of every day chores to be Clinton-ly or Obama-like. (I have no specific support for either)

On a similar Context I was watching this 'Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who' movie today (update: I learnt it is an old book). It is a really nice (animation) movie. However, half way down, I felt like I were Colbert(or his writer). I would see Horton as Obama - and Jane the kangaroo as Hillary (only by the tone and a little content of the speeches they make). Its quite the same if you see the movie in that perspective. And largely funny. Especially the episodes where they confront each other - and also during the climax. If you haven't seen the movie, I would recommend you watch it (So do a lot of reviews). And yeah keep this thought some where in your mind :) It makes it much more fun. Yeah.. watch who wins ;)

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