Fuse ESB 7.0 comes with Camel 2.9 components. Camel has groovy support from 2.89 to create predicates and expressions. There is a GroovyRouteBuilder in 2.9 that lets you build dsl in groovy, albeit with java api. This is especially un-groovy when you have to write a .process.
Until a more fluent groovy route builder comes to Fuse, Here is a helper that can make writing groovy processes.
Until a more fluent groovy route builder comes to Fuse, Here is a helper that can make writing groovy processes.
class GroovyRoutes extends GroovyRouteBuilder { @Autowired AuthRestTemplate restTemplate; void configure() { setupGroovyMethods(); from("direct:resource").routeId("groovyRouteWithProcessor") .process{ e -> //access json and other groovy goodness def slurper = new JsonSlurper() // do groovy magic with them } .to("mock:result"); } def setupGroovyMethods(){ //setup expandos for later ease org.apache.camel.model.RouteDefinition.metaClass.process = { clo -> delegate.process(new Processor(){ public void process(Exchange e) throws Exception { clo.call(e) } }); } } }