Over the last weekend, I evaluated DisQus commenting platform. I saw compelling reasons why Blogger's default commenting is primitive in comparison. Today I am launching DisQus on this blog. Here are 3 most important reasons that made this decision easy.
Larger User(base) engagement
Discus unifies users by multiple login providers. By adding this one widget, Your blog now has Facebook and Twitter users to identify themselves as commentators. They can like and share your posts in their walls and/or tweet them. For users with privacy concerns, comments are also allowed as a Guests. It even has OpenId support (Blogger does too).
Advanced comment posting, replying and moderation
Commenting on DisQus is actually fun. And followup are too. And for the owners, Moderation is much more easier. If you own multiple blogs, you can moderate all of them in one login. Even do it from email (also in Blogger). DisQus has intelligent options to guard your blog from spam. The most important feature is ratings and threads. This way comments with higher ratings and user engagement surfaces well. Users can reply to threads (also available in Blogger), even from their emails. Users love it.
Easy, Simple - Yet, Powerful
Installing is easy, So is importing your existing comments. Installation is completely non-blocking, so your page speed will change negligibly, if at all. There are number of tools to import/export data, show different widgets, even migrate across domains, if necessary.
Bonus: Awesome Support
While I was test driving, I encountered some technical issue. Although DisQus is free, the support is terrific.

Discus unifies users by multiple login providers. By adding this one widget, Your blog now has Facebook and Twitter users to identify themselves as commentators. They can like and share your posts in their walls and/or tweet them. For users with privacy concerns, comments are also allowed as a Guests. It even has OpenId support (Blogger does too).

Commenting on DisQus is actually fun. And followup are too. And for the owners, Moderation is much more easier. If you own multiple blogs, you can moderate all of them in one login. Even do it from email (also in Blogger). DisQus has intelligent options to guard your blog from spam. The most important feature is ratings and threads. This way comments with higher ratings and user engagement surfaces well. Users can reply to threads (also available in Blogger), even from their emails. Users love it.
Easy, Simple - Yet, Powerful
Installing is easy, So is importing your existing comments. Installation is completely non-blocking, so your page speed will change negligibly, if at all. There are number of tools to import/export data, show different widgets, even migrate across domains, if necessary.
Bonus: Awesome Support
While I was test driving, I encountered some technical issue. Although DisQus is free, the support is terrific.