I picked up my Acer Iconia. A500 tablet from BestBuy yesterday. 24hrs later, the screen looks like its been used for 6 months. It's scary how these things keep you captivated. There are thousands of reviews out there, so I am not going to bore you with another "in-depth" review. Here is short and sweet account of my rendezvous with my new found love interest.
First day retrospective
Issues found:
First day retrospective
- For an android user, this should be a treat, the dual core processor makes the ui and apps snappy. The screen is brilliant but it is glossy, so it was very hard for me to use it on the train to and from work. Maxing out the brightness helps a bit.
- The battery life is simply out of the world. I did not believe the specs and had carried the charger along. And at the end of the day, It still has about 60% of the juice.
- I dearly miss the Swype keyboard. Although the large screen has larger keys, I got so used to swype that it feels slow typing old-school way. I am going to have to find an alternative very soon.
- The mail app is awesome. So is the Gmail app, gtalk app. Skype calling on video is sweet. Turning on my laptop to video chat with mom is no longer necessary.
- There is no memo app. Really. Not that it's a deal breaker. But I am just saying there is NO MEMO app.
Issues found:
- The browser crashed at times, when the page had multiple flash ads/content
- YouTube video links open in browser (unlike as in my Galaxy S, they open in the YouTube app )
- Games are slightly slower in compatibility view.