This is a continum on my previous two posts; With out deep reference to who invented the mouse (Xerox), the touch screen (PLATO) and the multi touch (not Apple) - Its definitely pigeon holing to name M$ or sJobs for it. Look at 10/GUI's linux multitouch desktop concept.
Science as perceived commonly doesn't belong to a company. Innovation is not limited by a beginning or money. But the sheer market for the FIRST has so much to play against innovation. AT&T and iPhone have limited the market so much for all the possibilities that could have happenned. iPhone's Younger brother iTouch still craves all the deserved attention after 3 generations of it.
Its not Apple to blame all of it. The gadget market here is US is so egotistically challenged, they cant see 4G, Video mobile communication witnessed heavily in Far-East. I should mention, SMS (almost free) in India has revolutionised a generation. Reliance CDMA brought a country to a different level of communication; It set the market from Rs.8/min (during that dinasour mobile era) to Rs0.50/min(incoming free) as it stands today. Here in this market driven country, I still have the five year old $39 (well if you take now, its $49 minimum) per month plan, with 45 cents (~ Rs.22 / min) if I exceed my stipulated mins.
Wimax, Internet though electric lines, HSPDA for video all that is spoken for in the past years has not seen light. So where we?
10/GUI from C. Miller on Vimeo.
Science as perceived commonly doesn't belong to a company. Innovation is not limited by a beginning or money. But the sheer market for the FIRST has so much to play against innovation. AT&T and iPhone have limited the market so much for all the possibilities that could have happenned. iPhone's Younger brother iTouch still craves all the deserved attention after 3 generations of it.
Its not Apple to blame all of it. The gadget market here is US is so egotistically challenged, they cant see 4G, Video mobile communication witnessed heavily in Far-East. I should mention, SMS (almost free) in India has revolutionised a generation. Reliance CDMA brought a country to a different level of communication; It set the market from Rs.8/min (during that dinasour mobile era) to Rs0.50/min(incoming free) as it stands today. Here in this market driven country, I still have the five year old $39 (well if you take now, its $49 minimum) per month plan, with 45 cents (~ Rs.22 / min) if I exceed my stipulated mins.
Wimax, Internet though electric lines, HSPDA for video all that is spoken for in the past years has not seen light. So where we?