Spring's bean definitions (and configuration files) may go very verbose after your projects goes two or three iterations old. By verbose I mean, too many bean definitions, and complex injection graph. And many a times, these xml files go fat because of common definition types - props, lists, etc. These beans are generally configured using FactoryBean s. To reduce this verbatim Spring provides XML schema based configuration, for various types of FactoryBeans. There are some shortcuts presented in that appendix, I frequently use. I recomend those to others too. Here are some of those. <!-- creates a java.util.Properties instance with values loaded from the supplied location --> <bean id="jdbcConfiguration" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean"> <property name="location" value="classpath:com/foo/jdbc-production.properties"/> </bean> Could be written as <!-- creates a java.uti